I am available to present formal/informal talks and discussions with groups of people regarding “The Way” dependant upon a sincere desire shown by others.
If you would like to arrange a discussion, feel free to send an email enquiry to nicky@divinetruthhub.com expressing your desire.
I am currently based in London (England) therefore if you would like to arrange an event in the London area, I will cover my personal transportation/travelling costs associated with getting to and from the location. If you would like me to travel to a location outside of London, I ask that any travelling and/or accommodation costs are covered via donations before I can confirm my attendance.
The donations I receive towards an event will also need to cover the cost of hiring the venue (if applicable).
The event itself, on my end will all be provided free of charge however I do bring along a simple donation box so that if you desired to gift any monetary amount, you can do so, as this is how I sustain my life.
I will also bring along my own video recording equipment to film the discussion for the purposes of later sharing this on the internet with others who may not have the opportunity of attending the event in person themselves. This is also important so that I do not need to repeat the same material that was discussed at a prior event. All video discussions will be able to be accessed via this website and my YouTube channel should people wish to go back and re-listen to past talks.
It is important to state that these events are based on my own heartfelt desire to share the truths that I have been learning through my own experiences of Divine Truth principles as presented by Jesus & Mary with the intention of being able to assist others in developing their own understanding. I am not receiving any kind of funding from Jesus & Mary and am trying to take personal responsibility in all areas of my life.
You can find all confirmed events on the Events Calendar page.