I’d like to tell you about a friend of mine
In a room full of hundreds of other voices
Each trying to drown out the other
Forcing the issue,
My gentle friend can still be heard
When everybody has grown tired and left the party,
Lights turned off, doors closed, sat alone
My loyal friend remains
When my sister is sick,
The doctors have no answers
And there seems to be no cure
My caring friend has the remedy
When my brother has tripped and fallen
Cannot get back up,
People stand there laughing
My kind friend comes and lifts him back to his feet
When my neighbour was locked up in prison,
Given up on, the key tossed away,
My dependable friend came to give them a shoulder to cry on
During my darkest night,
I hear a knock at the door
I rejoice to see my friend standing there
As I know that their twin is also right around the corner
And dawn will soon be breaking
As I opened the door, I realised that I never asked my friend and their twin of their names,
Even though I had seen them many times throughout the years
Their presence always left a beautiful and lasting mark on my life
“Forgive me, but I have never asked,
What is your name?”
“My name is Truth,” my friend replied
“And what of your twin?” I responded
“Love,” my friend smiled back
“When you ask for us,
We always come together.”
“And what about your father? Who is he?” I asked
As I noticed all those times in the past, he seemed to be there
Yet I never met him and now wished that I had
By this time, Love arrived at the door.
They both smiled, embraced me and said together,
“Well, believe it or not, he is actually your Father, not ours
In all those times that you recalled through your life,
It was he that sent us,
So that you could get to know him.”
Just as my friends said that, the dawn broke.