The topic of addiction is so incredibly important in our spiritual progression and welfare if we truly want to develop our relationship with God and become a loving person as to God’s definition of the word. Once we become aware of some of the addictions in our life, even at an intellectual level initially, we can start to sincerely look at ourselves for who we currently are at that point in time and this is an important step to take as now we are not in a state of denial about our condition, but the allowance of the truth of the situation.
When I speak of “addictions” I mean ANY action we take in order to falsely obtain feelings of love, excitement, joy, happiness, peace etc to cover over and suppress any fears or grief that lay hidden deep within our soul. ALL addictions are emotional. Addictions come in many shapes and forms and it must be known that even the physical addictions of, for example, alcoholism and drug abuse have an emotional cause locked away in the soul of the individual in question. It is sometimes hard to identify purely emotional addictions as it takes a high degree of self awareness and integrity to admit to ourselves that we have these darker, unloving emotions. These purely emotional addictions may be that we regularly seek approval from somebody we deem significant in our life (for example, a parent) because really, we feel a lack of self worth in our heart and are desperate for somebody to tell us that we “did good.” Another example could be that we want to be constantly surrounded by people in order to avoid a deep seated fear of being alone.
Challenging addictions in an active and sincere manner opens the possibility of the stubborn facade self to be penetrated. It is important to know that our addictions and facade are not the true, awesome part of ourselves that God created, but are a result of damage that was inflicted on us from a very young age by usually (but not limited to) our immediate family. However, it is also accurate to say that as we grow older, we have added to the damage ourselves by exercising our will in an unloving direction to avoid our hurt. You can learn more about challenging addictions by viewing the below Divine Truth videos:
By their very nature, addictions will only ever result in a temporary experience of the “nice” feelings mentioned above and these feelings themselves have very little substance and as a result, are very much short lived. When we act in addiction, there are a few tell-tale signs that can show us that there is an impure motive to the action we are about to engage in. If you feel a sudden urge or compulsion to do something, there is a high likelihood that you are about to engage in an activity that is going to feed an addiction. This could range from having the urge to gossip about somebody or a group of people to simply a craving to drink a cup of coffee when we first wake up in the morning to suppress some fear that we felt when we first woke up as a result of what occurred that night whilst in the sleep state.
Any time we act in addiction, it is important to realise that we do so DELIBERATELY and it is a great reflection of our true soul motive, intention and where our will is at. Any time we make the decision to act in addiction, we will only ever cause ourselves and others around us more pain. The slippery road of addiction inevitably leads to the degradation and destruction of our soul.
Over the last couple of months, the blinkers I had covering my eyes for much of my life have been lifted to a degree and I have really begun to understand at an emotional level the damaging effects addiction has. I have observed how the people in my life who I felt were closest to me have taken deliberate acts which have damaged themselves and others without an understanding of the implications of such actions. I have begun to understand that it is very much a conscious choice that is being made day in, day out and I simply cannot intervene as to do so, would be breaking the Law of Free Will by forcing truth when it is not wanted and actively repelled.
Because of the close proximity to the situation and my own personal emotional investment in what has been going on, a number of emotions within me that were out of harmony with love have been exposed which has allowed me to process through my own errors. It is really strange to say this, but I almost feel a degree of gratitude towards the situation I have found myself in as it has perfectly shown me what I must work on within myself to strengthen my relationship with God and to become more of a loving person. Throughout this whole process, I have become more sensitive to the emotional addictions that exist within myself and also to those that are in others. I feel this will be an extremely important learning experience for me to take into what I am planning to do in the immediate future.
Due to the greater degree of understanding and awareness I have developed concerning the area of addiction and its negative effects, I have realised how crucial it is to devise a method outlined in the terms of use document which enables me to challenge the addictions people may have when contributing to this site. The moment addiction and co-dependancy are allowed to manifest on this site, the loving intention behind my efforts to create the opportunities on offer here becomes completely irrelevant.
It is all about remaining in a state of humility to the errors within ourselves that God is attempting to show us through the Law of Attraction whilst remembering to own our emotions at all times. This will then allow God’s Love & Truth to flow into us if we desire it. God really is THE greatest teacher.
1 comment. Leave new
Thank you Nicky. Your post has enabled me to recognize another layer of addiction I have regarding a particular relationship, in which my desire and intention is to cleanse it of such things. Thanks for helping me to see this “bit of mud” stuck to my soul. Time to get out the scrubbing brush! 🙂